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Apollo's Hegemony
23,16 €

Natural resveratrol obtained from a standardized knotweed extract.

Apollo's Hegemony
39,54 €

300 mg of coenzymatic vitamin B3 (NAD+) in each capsule.

Resveratrol Complex Momentaneamente non disponibile
9,83 €

Contains 50 mg of resveratrol in the form of trans. Presents strong antioxidant and pro-health properties.

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Trans-Resveratrol Momentaneamente non disponibile
13,80 €

As much as 225 mg of pure Trans-Resveratrol in each serving. Without unnecessary additives and fillers.

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Natural Resveratrol 250mg Momentaneamente non disponibile
15,18 €

Natural, ultra-pure Veri-Te™ trans-resveratrol. The product promotes healthy aging and vitality.

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Natural Resveratrol
Natural Resveratrol Ritirato dalla vendita
Now Foods

Preparation facilitates the removal of toxins from the body. Slows the aging process and strengthens the immune system.

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