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Lion's Mane
Apollo's Hegemony
13,80 €

Lion’s mane extract with a high content of polysaccharides. Supports immunity and cognitive functions.

9,12 €

Lion's mane contains natural constituents known as erinacines, which may promote brain and nerve cell health.

Solve Labs
da 11,46 €

Concentrated extract from the fruiting bodies of the Lion's Mane with a DER of 10:1. Powdered form.

15,18 €

Standardized extract of Lion's Mane, containing a high amount of polysaccharides.

Lion's Mane Momentaneamente non disponibile
6,31 €

Standardized extract of Lion’s Mane. Support for the nervous and immune systems.

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Mane Brain Momentaneamente non disponibile
Magnum Nutraceuticals
34,86 €

Combination of nootropic compounds – Alpha GPC, NALT, L-Theanine and extracts from adaptogenic plants.

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Lion's Mane Momentaneamente non disponibile
Solve Labs
16,14 €

Concentrated extract from the fruiting bodies of the Lion's Mane with a DER of 10:1.

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