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Apollo's Hegemony
39,05 €

A unique form of vitamin B3 and a precursor to NAD+ in an effective dose.

Apollo's Hegemony
45,98 €

300 mg of coenzymatic vitamin B3 (NAD+) in each capsule.

Apollo's Hegemony
6,91 €

Vitamin B3 in no-flush form - niacinamide.

Apollo's Hegemony
5,52 €

Vitamin B3 in a form that does not cause the niacin flush effect.

NADH 10mg Momentaneamente non disponibile
Now Foods
36,74 €

NADH is an essential cofactor for hundreds of biochemical reactions, and is used in the production of cellular energy.

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Time-Release Niacin 500mg Momentaneamente non disponibile
Doctor's Best
19,87 €

Time-released niacin, without “flushing” effects; it helps to maintain the lipid balance.

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Niacin 500mg Momentaneamente non disponibile
7,60 €

Vitamin B3 in the form of the amide of nicotinic acid. It supports cardiovascular health and energy metabolism

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