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  • Popolare
Alpha GPC
Apollo's Hegemony
29,88 €

Alpha GPC can support the brain’s synthesis of acetylcholine and helps promote normal cognitive function.

  • Popolare
CDP Choline
Apollo's Hegemony
29,88 €

A supplement containing CDP-choline, considered as the best source of choline for nootropic purposes.

Hades' Hegemony
29,88 €

Alpha GPC can support the brain’s synthesis of acetylcholine and helps promote normal cognitive function.

6,92 €

A synergistic combination of substances that support cognitive functions and energy metabolism.

Choline Momentaneamente non disponibile
11,56 €

Pure choline bitartrate in powder. Support for liver health and fat metabolism.

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Optimal PC Momentaneamente non disponibile
Seeking Health
46,09 €

Complex of phospholipids. Supports brain and cognitive function.

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Citicoline CDP Choline 250mg Momentaneamente non disponibile
Jarrow Formulas
da 27,56 €

Citicoline consumption promotes brain metabolism by enhancing the synthesis of acetyl-choline

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Choline & Inositol 500mg Momentaneamente non disponibile
Now Foods
8,80 €

Both Choline and Inositol are essential components of all cell membranes.

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Alpha-GPC 300mg Momentaneamente non disponibile
15,26 €

A neuroactive form of choline capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier. Classified as a nootropic substance.

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